What’s in Your Pack – Backcountry Ski Packing List

heading up the skin track

Backcountry Ski Packing List

What’s in your ski pack? It’s a good question, and it’s one that I occasionally ask myself as I heft the weight of my pack to my shoulder in the morning. There’s no sense in carrying more up the hill than you need to, but there are essential items that you should always carry on a tour. And there are those things you think you need but probably don’t. We’ve assembled our recommended backcountry ski packing list for a standard day of ski touring.

Packing List – What Size Pack is Right?

The first question is, what size pack is the right size? Like most things, the answer is, “It depends.” There’s a range of pack sizes that work. Generally speaking, 30-40 liters is a good target for day touring. With packs smaller than 30 liters, you’ll need to focus on traveling light or having the lightest weight gear. Going beyond 40 liters is just asking for a heavy pack. Also, understand that no two packs with the same volume rating are really the same size. Every brand has its method to measure pack volume, which leads to variations in volume measurements.

The Patagonia Descensionist pictured below is 32 liters. Here are a few other ski packs we like: Osprey Soelden, Patagonia SnowDrifter 30L, Deuter Rise Lite, Hyperlite Ice Pack, Black Diamond Cirque 30.

Key characteristics to look for in a good ski pack include dedicated storage for a shovel and probe, an easy access pocket for high-use stuff like goggles and a generally snug, low-profile fit and feel. It’s also important to consider the size of your shovel, probe and snow saw. Although most packs will accommodate most avalanche safety tools, it’s always worth checking pocket width and depth, because some shovels (and saws if you carry one) fit some packs better than others.

backcountry ski packing list

The Non-Negotiable Stuff

The must-haves for winter ski touring include a shovel, probe, beacon, skins, headlamp, a warm puffy jacket, food and water. Beyond the non-negotiables, there’s a fair bit of latitude as to what’s necessary for a day of touring. Weather, route, ambitions and group experience all play a role in what to pack for a day of ski touring.

What’s Inside

The above photo reflects a full-day load and includes several optional items, including a VHF radio, ball cap, ski crampons, GPS, and snow saw — plus a few items that end up being worn — beacon, gloves, sunglasses and ski shell. Also, my repair kit is sparse — I use and inspect my gear regularly, so I rationalize a minimalist repair kit — just a multi-tool, a few binding screws, some skin wax and matches (or a lighter) – read more about backcountry repair kits. My first aid kit is also thin and consists of cloth athletic tape. Given a significant injury to my arm or leg, I rely on things like voile straps, rutschcord, shovel, probe, poles, warm clothing, and my radio or phone to manage the problem.

Backcountry Ski Packing List:

Skis, Boots, Poles . . .

Must-Have Items

Recommended Items

Optional Items – Conditions or Tour-Dependent Gear

  • GPS – The GAIA GPS App is excellent
  • Radio – FRS/GMRS radio, the Rocky Talkie Radios are the best on the market
  • Ski Cramponsski crampons are great for spring tours and specific objectives
  • Snow SawMSR Snow Saw is reasonably light and can cut wood if needed
  • Rutschcord – Also called an ECT (extended column test) cord these days, is required equipment for conducting extended column, propagation and rutschblock tests. I use a homemade one made from 2mm cord – about 5m long and knotted every 30-40cm or check out some commercial rutschcord options

Read More:

Build your own Backcountry Repair Kit

Hut Trip Packing list

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