Minimalist Multi-Tool
Most backcountry skiers (bike packers, hikers, etc) will agree that a multi-tool is essential to any backcountry repair kit. The multi-tool category is packed with various practical, if a little heavy, options for backcountry use. Read our review of the best multi-tools for skiers. But the true minimalist looking to pack as light as possible should check out the Swiss+Tech Micro-Plier. This 6-in-1 tool is a fraction of the size of a typical multi-tool and packs several essentials into a tiny package. It’s an easy addition to a repair kit for ski touring, bike packing and general mountain adventure.
Just the Basics
The Swiss+Tech Micro-Plier is less featured than a Leatherman Skeletool or other popular multi-tools. Most notably, it’s missing a blade. Nonetheless, the pliers are remarkably capable for their scale, and you get two functional screwdrivers. The three remaining “tools” are less useful: a 1/8-inch scale on the handle, a wire stripper and a wire cutter — good for hot wiring a car maybe, but less useful in the backcountry. Really, you get mini pliers and two screwdriver options. For dedicated ski use, the Phillips could even be modified to be more posi-drive-like by grinding the tip of the Phillips down a few mm to mimic a blunt-nosed posi-drive — the typical ski binding screw.
Small, But Useful
Whether you’re looking to carry as little as possible or just add an extra tool to your backcountry repair kit, the Swiss+Tech Micro-Plier packs the basics into 1.6 ounces (45 grams). It’s less than two inches long, and its design offers functional leverage for such a small tool.
Check prices and availability for the Swiss+Tech Micro-Plier $10-$25
Check out our suggestions for making your own backcountry ski repair kit and our suggestions for the best multi-tool for skiers
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