The Best Ski Socks
Ski socks may be low on the gear glamour scale, but a fresh pair of good quality ski socks feels mighty nice sliding into a pair of boots. High-quality socks can mean the difference between a good day and a bad day of skiing. From comfort to durability, high-quality socks outperform cheap socks. The tight weaves and durable wool blends of a quality ski sock reduce friction and increase comfort. Course weaves and worn-out socks lead to blisters and boot fit issues.
You Get What You Pay For
Over the years, I have had the opportunity to use a wide variety of socks. My experience has been that you get what you pay for. Inexpensive socks wear out quickly. I am lucky to get a single season on a pair of house brand or non-brand name socks before I wear holes in the heels or toes. But I can get multiple seasons of use from high-quality merino wool ski socks.
Several brands of ski socks have stood out over the past few years. Two of the very best are Bridgedale socks and Darn Tough socks. Both brands have stood the test of time, outperforming every other sock brand I have used. They offer the right blend of high-quality materials and a tight weave. You can spend less on a sock, but I have found the lifespan of the sock is directly related to the sock’s price.
I have several pairs of Bridgedale socks that are going on three seasons and are still fully functional. Likewise, Darn Tough socks are built for the long haul. Made in Vermont, Darn Tough ski socks are just that, darn tough.
What to Look for in a Ski Sock
Ski socks come in various weights and styles, all with various points of cushioning and “performance” features. Performance features in a sock push the marketing BS, but given that everyone’s feet, ankles, and lower leg shapes are unique, the various sock designs let you fine-tune volume and warmth to meet your needs.
You can improve boot comfort and fit with the right sock. I recommend a light to moderate weight/thickness sock with subtle shin cushioning or a uniform weave/weight throughout. But depending on your boot fit, you may find a thicker sock suits you.
Merino blends deliver the best durability. Several things can go wrong with a sock, including quick wearing and loss of dynamic stretch. Quick wearing is obvious. Weak materials become threadbare and develop holes. Dynamic stretch is more subtle. Some socks hold their shape and stretch longer than others. A sock that falls down while out skiing will not make the cut in my collection.
Sock Care Tips
Sock life is dependent on how you treat them. Regular and proper washing, low-heat drying and even how you store them play a role in a sock’s lifespan. Of course, the manufacturer’s care instructions are the final word on how to wash and dry your socks. Generally speaking, routine washing and low-heat drying is the way to go.
It may be tempting to wear the same pair of socks for multiple days, but the best-case scenario is to follow every full day of wear with proper washing and drying. It may be tempting to fold socks into themselves to store as a pair, but doing so tends to shorten the lifespan of the dynamic stretch in the cuff.
Do yourself a favor and wear quality merino ski socks.
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